Please explore the rest of our website. We are expanding it with additional gardening information, upcoming local garden-related events and places of interest to visit. Check out the May 2023 issue of “Our State” magazine for an article on North Carolina garden clubs. The gardens of two of our members are featured there.
***We welcome donation requests in support of local horticultural-related beautification and education projects. To submit a grant request click here.***
Our Club Activities
Our home is the beautiful and historic Village of Pinehurst, located in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Known as the home of American golf and the longleaf pine ecosystem, its temperate climate makes gardening a popular activity.
Supporting Fellow Gardeners
We fund a full scholarship for a horticultural student at Sandhills Community College. This year we funded two.
Summer in the Garden
In early summer flowers provide most of the nourishment that hummingbirds need so they don’t visit feeders with any regularity. They feed their nestlings small insects. In July, after the nestlings fledge, they start frequenting feeders throughout the day to prepare for the long migration that begins in early fall. You can easily make a sugar solution by mixing 1/4 cup sugar with 1 cup water. Make sure you change the solution often to prevent contamination.
Plant of the Month
Can you guess the name of this plant?
The common name for this plant is Pineapple Lily and you can probably guess why. The flower bud resembles a pineapple. Its Botanical name is Eucomis.
Click here for more information.
Problem of the Month
Are Squirrels digging in your flower pots? They can be pesky little critters when they dig in your flower pots to bury their winter food supply. They kick out soil and uproot plants, making a mess of carefully tended pots. They can also make a mess digging in flower beds because they find lose soil inviting. You can find squirrel repelent in both spray and granular form at garden supply centers. Another solution is to place stones in the pots or in lose soil around plants as a deterent.
2024 Events/Lectures/Workshops
Great Southeast Pollinator Census
Saturday, August 24th, 9:00-11:00am
Come count pollinators with us! This will be the 2nd year in a row that we have participated in this event and we are looking for as many counters as we can get. It is a “citizen science project created by the University of Georgia”, designed for everyone to participate and make a difference for pollinator conservation.
You can find more information here *Please register through the Gardens for this event. Register
The garden features over 225 species of perennials, trees, shrubs, vines, and grasses, and 85% of them are native to North Carolina. This is a great opportunity to visit the popular gathering spot for honey bees, native bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects in addition to their human admirers!
The tours typically last about an hour and a half depending on group size and interest.
Register Here